remy huwae


remy huwae, illustrator, apeldoorn (nl)

He has a passion for illustrating! Bringing photographic images to life, they transform from static to playful, detailed and contemporary illustrations. That costs a lot of time. And a lot of patience. It's precision work. He draws all his works in one layer, creating a lot of perspective and depth. His illustrations are sleek, powerful and made up of sharp lines. Thanks to their graphic complexity, they provide a surprising range of color areas. An image that you will never get bored of.Be surprised by the many details! Remy followed an eduction Graphic Designer and gained years of work experience in the graphics sector.

He soon discovered that Adobe Illustrator offers much more than just logo design. It is the door to an inexhaustible world of digital art. He is inspired by lively cities where everything happens at the same time. He combines this inspiration with his drawing experience. An enthusiasm that you see in each of his works.


He is fascinated by the city. Because of its speed, its complexity, its bustle. Where so much happens at the same time, that only those who stand still discover details. And that's exactly what he does. Standing still. To bring the urban backdrop of hustle and bustle to life. So that everyday activities turn into the most intriguing moments. Moments that I capture. Not in a photo, but in a sleek digital illustration, a cityscape


sizes • techniques

remy huwae’s artwork is available in different sizes.. all artwork has different editions. technique: Adobe Illustrator and print

• The cityscapes are 1.00x150cm printed on dibond

• Portraits framed are 30x40cm or 50x70cm

Hong kong kleur.png